If you’re not set up for electronic funds transfer and need to make sure your payment arrives on time, you can use your credit card (Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, or American Express®) or checking account to pay your bill. All you need is your EMC account number and the ZIP code shown on your billing statement.
If you choose to pay by debit or credit card, a convenience fee may be applied by our card processor.
Make an online paymentEFT automatically deducts your payment from your bank account when it’s due, saving you from credit card and check transaction fees. To set up EFT:
If you prefer to pay by mail, send your payment along with the bottom part of your invoice to the address on your billing statement. Please note, if the bill isn’t paid in full, a transaction fee will apply to each payment.
You can also make payments directly through your independent insurance agent. Use our agent finder to get their contact information.
Choose to pay your current bill anytime, anywhere by calling our dedicated phone payment system. You can use your credit card (Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, or American Express®) or checking account to pay your bill. All you need is your EMC account number and the ZIP code shown on your billing statement.
If you choose to pay by debit or credit card, a convenience fee may be applied by our card processor.