EBill Clearinghouse Info
EMC EBill Payment Clearinghouse:
Jopari Solutions | www.jopari.com | 866-269-0554
Payer Identification Numbers:
EMC Risk Services Workers’ Compensation: J1118
EMC Workers’ Compensation: 21415
EMC Commercial Auto: C1028
EMC General Liability: J1433
Health Care Providers:
Call 800-880-1279 to speak with an EMC Provider Services Bill Auditor or email claims.mcr@emcins.com to:
- Obtain the claim number assigned by EMC for an employee’s claim
- Determine how to submit the claim number in the appropriate field on the electronic bill to EMC
- Use the full claim number, beginning with Z
- For WC claims, add “01” to the end of the claim number
- For CMS 1500 forms, place the claim number in field 11b
- For CMS 1450 forms, place the claim number in field 60
- Ask questions related to electronic transactions
- Ask questions related to electronic transactions