A new reporting process that requires employers to report all work-related inpatient hospitalizations, amputations and eye losses within 24 hours became effective Jan. 1, 2015. All work-related fatalities must also be reported within eight hours. These reports can be made by calling OSHA’s toll-free number at 800-321-6742, calling your OSHA area office or using the online form available on OSHA’s website. The reporting regulations affect all employers covered by OSHA, even those who are partially exempt from maintaining injury and illness records.
A Necessary Change
According to Assistant Labor Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health David Michael, hospitalizations and amputations indicate serious hazards may be present at a workplace and an intervention is warranted to protect other workers. “Too often after a fatality we learn that other workers have already been injured,” said Michael.
Other OSHA Changes Affecting Your Workplace
An estimated 199,000 employers that had previously been partially exempt from preparing and maintaining records of serious occupational injuries and illnesses using the OSHA 300 are now nonexempt. These low-hazard industries account for an estimated 173,000 injuries and illnesses per year. In addition, 119,000 employers that were previously nonexempt will become partially exempt. These account for an estimated 76,000 injuries and illnesses per year.
For more information about this latest OSHA recordkeeping change and a list of partially exempt industries and industries that are now required to keep records, visit www.osha.gov/recordkeeping2014/index.html.