We hear all kinds of excuses—“They’re uncomfortable.” “I don’t have time to put them on.” “They fog up too much.” “I just don’t need them.” But you should quickly counter those excuses with terms like irritating eye strain, severe eye trauma and blindness.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 20,000 workplace eye injuries happen each year, costing employers an estimated $300 million in lost productivity, medical treatment and workers’ compensation costs. Although it’s best to eliminate a hazard or use engineering controls to reduce the likelihood of injuries, sometimes personal protective equipment (PPE) must also be used.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to perform a hazard assessment and ensure that appropriate PPE is available to employees. A thorough review of each workstation at your facility or jobsite is invaluable in identifying potential eye hazards such as:
A review of loss experience data will also be helpful in identifying troublesome areas. For example, a manufacturer of paper clamshell containers was experiencing a high rate of eye irritation claims from stamping press operators. Upon closer examination, fine fiber particles of the paper were getting past the edges of the wrap around safety glasses being used. A completely different type of eye protection was recommended, and the hazard was mitigated.
After determining the workplace eye hazards, select the most appropriate PPE for the hazard. Some of the most common types of eye protection include:
Once the appropriate eye protection has been selected, it is crucial that employees be educated on the importance of wearing eye protection. In addition to educating employees about the importance of wearing eye protection, they should be trained on how to adjust the PPE to make certain it fits correctly and as comfortably as possible. Proper maintenance and cleaning procedures should also be a part of the training. Allowing time at the end of the shift to prepare PPE for its next use is one way to reinforce your commitment to reducing eye injuries. Also, be sure to include training on the use of emergency shower/eyewash stations and eyewash bottles.
Because eye injuries can result in serious vision loss, it’s important to be able to recognize an injury. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, if you notice any of the following signs, get medical help right away. Do not attempt to treat a serious eye injury yourself.
The objective of a PPE program is to reduce employees’ risk of injury or death by maintaining a safe work environment. PPE is not a substitute for good work practices, elimination of hazards, substitution of hazardous operations or materials, engineering controls or administrative controls. PPE should be used in conjunction with these controls to ensure the safety and health of employees. EMC’s PPE Program Template can be used to help your organization develop a written PPE program. We have made this template easier for you to customize by adding visual prompts that identify some areas where your input is needed.
The following resources from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health provide additional information specific to eye protection:
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