With so many potential opportunities for workplace injuries, keeping employees safe on the job is a never–ending task. From working with chemicals to driving a vehicle to just sitting at a desk, you may feel there is no job that is completely safe (and you’d be right).
So how can a safety manager improve the odds of keeping employees injury–free? After you’ve followed OSHA rules, industry regulations and recommended manufacturers’ precautions, and after you’ve evaluated your work site to minimize and eliminate risks, then what?
Perhaps it’s time to step up training opportunities for your employees. As an EMC policyholder, you have access to a wide range of safety resources at no additional charge. All you need is your EMC policy number, an email address and an internet connection.
There are advantages to EMC training. You’ll save the expenses of hiring a consultant or sending employees to off–site training. With 24/7 access to online options, you also avoid the hassle and loss of productivity that happens during large–group sessions. Employees can visit the EMC training site when they have time and computer access.
Get Started
While EMC has many valuable resources, you’ll find our training courses and safety videos to be particularly helpful. These options should be used in conjunction with your current hands–on training for your company’s equipment, procedures and hazards. To determine which video or course will be most beneficial for your organization, review your past losses and most common injuries.
EMC Online Training Courses
- Training offered for both employees and supervisors
- More than 40 courses available, with most taking 20 minutes or less to complete
- Each employee course includes a quiz at the end of the session
- Popular topics include defensive driving, forklift basics, back and lifting safety, sexual harassment, accident investigation and ergonomics
- The list of topics and more details can be found on the EMC Online Training webpage
Additional Features
- Safety Briefs
Use these single–page tip sheets to emphasize important points at a training session. With more than 100 topics to choose from, you’ll find something to focus on at every meeting. Find the Safety Briefs list on our website. - Just for Schools
Schools have access to additional free training through Vector Training, K-12 Edition™.- Training includes more than 300 online school–focused courses written by leading safety authorities
- Topics include bullying prevention, sexual misconduct, youth suicide, food safety, slips and falls, security, transportation safety and more
- Administrators can make training assignments, track completion and send automated reminder emails to staff
- Staff can access training 24/7 from any computer with internet access
- Find details of all school services, including Vector Training, on the EMC Schools webpage